Etsy Up

Tune in to discover the best ways to make your items shine and give customers an experience they’ll rave about. Gather inspiration, find insightful tips, connect with other sellers, and hear the latest updates from Etsy. Elevate your shop for the holiday season—and beyond. Join us online at Etsy Up. Then, attend our exclusive follow-up workshops!

Upcoming events

10 sept 2024

Virtual Event

Etsy Up

Level up with Etsy Up! Tune in virtually for the biggest seller-community event of the year. Discover the best ways to make your items shine and give customers an experience they’ll rave about. Gather inspiration, find insightful tips, connect with other sellers, and hear the latest updates from Etsy. Join us at Etsy Up to elevate your shop for the holiday season—and beyond! Agenda coming soon. ✨

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